Kathleen — February 7, 1909

February 7, 1909                                                                        KITEBROOK,


My dearest Robin,

Ever so many thanks for the plans.  I have been comparing them with the photographs and quite understand my way about the house now!  [References in this letter are to Robin–January 18, 1909.]

I used to be able to do wall-paper sums too in my early youth but I don’t believe I know much about it now!  I am quite sure I could help hang the paper though.  I love all those sorts of jobs and used to revel in painting doors etc. when we had theatricals and in putting up the scenery.  Your little sketches of the poor little man seeing stars reminds me of our theatricals too, for there was a large and very solid beam above the steps leading off the stage on which I invariably cracked my skull!

If you hadn’t cut the piece out we might have done as some people did where Reggie went to a dance a little time ago.  To attract attention to the skull-cracking wall they had hung a picture there–a hunting scene, a man standing up in a brook just about to scramble out and another galloping at the exact spot and shouting, “Duck, you fool!”  It’s rather difficult to imagine from the measurements what size a room will look, but by dint of measuring up my sitting room and making many calculations, I think I have got a pretty good idea.  The sitting room is quite a palatial apartment, isn’t it?

I hope we shan’t be reduced to spending the cold weather like the Cleminsons!  I haven’t spent a day in bed for the last six years, I positively hate it.  I don’t think it’s altogether a good idea either, for one would have to get up to get something to eat and how chilly that would be!  I may have to do the cooking in a fur-coat and a dish-cloth tied round my ears, for I don’t much like cold weather, but it sounds a nice warm job.  I rather envy the cook today, for instance.  It is very cold again and my fingers decline to keep warm.  The thoughts of collecting ice make me shudder all over.  I don’t think the “cut-out-piece” need necessarily spoil my little room.  I am sure we can make it look as though it was specially made that way.  It looks a dear little room with lots of windows.  I like to be able to look out two ways.

We had a very good hunt from Stow on Friday–two hours from Ewell in a big ring by Bourton-on-the-Water and killed at Eyford.  Sturman was in bed with a cold so Will took his place.  He must have been pleased to have shewn such good sport.  They had another run from Slaughter Copse to Cold Arton after I had come home.

I saw Miss Risley and your brother at the meet.  Did I tell you I have just become Assistant Editor of the magazine which my old school is about to start?  I don’t seem to have much to do at present except receive the Editor’s correspondence, as she is now in Egypt.

Ever your loving


P. S.  Don’t forget to measure the height of the rooms before you come home.  I believe it used to be necessary to finding out the quantity of paper required!


Kathleen’s Thread

Robin’s Thread