8703 . 112th St.
Edmonton, Alta.
April 18th
Dear Mother:
I am a third of the way through the exams now. The one on Monday was very long and I wrote nearly twenty-one pages. That was in trade and transportation. The Spanish exam this morning was fairly short and not very hard but I don’t think I got a very good mark. After the exam on Monday I went down to see the Fred Astaire show and walked home. I didn’t like this show as much as the other Astaire-Rogers shows. The Year Books are published already but each new batch seems to go very quickly. If I can get over to the Arts building around nine on Monday morning I may have a chance of getting one. They are much the same as last years book. Remember when I said last week that I said I hoped to study some more after I finished the letter. I kept going till 2:30 a new record for me. Since then I have been studying till anywhere between 12:30 and 1:30. It doesn’t seem to make me sleepy the next day anymore.
The weather is still perfect here and the balcony is becoming a popular place for obtaining a sun tan. For the last few nights some of us have played softball with the Zetes after supper until it gets dark. I got a letter from Anne yesterday. She must be still in Nelson as that is where her letter came from. Evidently she got into the finals of the mixed but you have probably heard all about that.
I am afraid there is no more to say this week.
With love from