Robin — March 7, 1909

March 7, 1909  

Kelowna, B. C.

My dearest Kathleen,

I haven’t got very much to add to my last letter.  I went to the Mallams’ on Saturday.  By way of a change we all went to church on Sunday, or what passes for such down there.  There happened to be a parson staying with the Walkers and so he held a service in their sitting room.  I think it’s rather a farce myself.  They place the chairs and sofas in rows as if for amateur theatricals and nobody ever has a hymn book or prayer book, so it’s rather dismal; and they only go as it seems rather bad luck on the parson if they don’t appreciate his kindness.  The district I am writing about is about seven miles from town, so there’s lots of excuse for their not going all that distance to church in town.  I expect there’d be a mighty falling off in England if people had all their housework to do first.

I am having a surprise party here tomorrow night–the Mallams, Walkers, Thomsons, and, I expect, a few others.  Not much surprise about it, is there?  The Mallams and their baby are staying the night, likewise Harry and a fellow called Ford.  Quite a house party, isn’t it!  I have never had anybody except stray batchelors to stay here before.  I believe there will be two engaged couples here and I have come to the conclusion that your little room will make a fine sitting-out place for them.  They can fight for it.  

I have just started on a career of falsehood with a fellow who wants me to travel home with him and whom I dislike intensely, the little I have seen of him.  I don’t know how it will end.  I have at last sent him a letter saying that it is possible I shan’t be starting till the end of next month and even then I expect to have to stop off for a week at Brandon.  That ought to choke him off.  If it doesn’t, I shall have to try stronger measures.  I will write again when the dance is over.

With best love,

Ever yours,



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